With a new year come new camps. Registration opened on the first and we are excited for another year of scholarships. They usually come in closer to camp start dates (procrastination is real), but once they do, all of us on the Spencer Topham Foundation committee love reading the expressions of faith and the jokes. Camp registration has changed to a new system this year. The link to that is on our camp scholarship page. It’s bit wonky. Apparently if you had an account on the old system, it has been ported over and when attempting to sign in, you have to hit the “what’s my password” button. I hope this doesn’t prove to be too frustrating for anyone. The informational page on camps is also quite a bit outdated and odd looking. We have availed ourselves to the camp administrators to help on that end. Don’t let any of this deter you. All of the real energy is in the camp experience. If you need any help, reach out to us through our contact page and we will advocate for you.